Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A New Story of the People

Separation is the primary story that we are working with in the world today, and is the primary cause for all of the world's suffering. The story of separation is a falsehood, and trying to force this falsehood is what brings about this suffering. Interconnectedness is primarily what makes the world what it is, not separation. Complex organic chemistry, cells, organisms, families, communities, societies, ecosystems, etc. exist primarily by means of connections between units of those systems, not as a function of their separateness. But this story is inevitably reaching its limits, it is showing cracks in its foundation as many of the modern world's political-economic-cultural systems (which are founded on the story of separation) begin the process of disintegration (which is the ultimately what their story is all about). The story of iterative separation is the story of decay, of degradation, of death, and if we continue to feed the story of separation through our institutions, this will be what we manifest. Does this serve us? I think not. 

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