Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Quantum Consciousness

There is a considerable amount of evidence that shows how organelle structures within neurons are capable of using quantum superposition to communicate with other neurons and external objects, i.e. direct transphysical (higher dimensional),
 "psychic" connection. Furthermore this implies that consciousness is somehow tied to the fabric of reality if it can manipulate reality through it. Common outdated (but still used) skeptical attacks levied against it primarily center on the claim its impossible for quantum effects to take place in wet/warm conditions of the brain. These have been refuted for some time now, without notice of the scientific establishment, through the work of researchers in the emerging field of quantum biology. Take for example, a well document, peer reviewed, accepted study showing that plants routinely use quantum superposition to essentially teleport energy from light harvesting complexes to storage centers in the process of photosynthesis. Hameroff and associates have actually found that the wet/warm conditions would actually help quantum entanglement, because of the structure of organelles within neurons.

Search Quantum Consciousness, Orch-OR Model, Stuart Hameroff for more information...

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